Where is Ellany?

We are an online store located in Dallas, TX. There is no physical Ellany store but we do have retailers all over the world.

I forgot to add my discount code. Can you add it after I place my order?

Unfortunately, once the order is placed, we cannot add your coupon code or gift card to your order. Please make sure that you do this beforehand so you can take full advantage of our discounts!

I ordered something that is not in stock but ordered other products as well. When will my order ship?

Your order will ship once all products are in stock! We try to have everything grouped together to make sure you get all of your items instead of breaking the order apart. 

I got an email saying my items shipped but there has not been any movement, what do I do?

USPS can take up to 5 business days to scan in an item per their terms. Please keep an eye on it for movement! If there is no movement after that 5 business days, please use our contact form and supply your order number.